# Shitty but stable uploader :3 # Configuring .env File ``` R2_ENDPOINT=yourid.r2.cloudflarestorage.com R2_ACCESS_KEY=insert_a_access_key R2_SEC_KEY=insert_a_secret_key R2_BUCKET=your_bucket R2_DOMAIN=r2_domain UPLOAD_SEC=base64_upload_apikey PORT=3000 ``` # Deployment ``` yarn install yarn start ``` # Usage in ShareX To use this service in ShareX, download example_sharex_config.sxcu from the source and edit the following: ``` "RequestURL": "https://upload.insertdomain.com", - edit this line with your endpoint domain in your web server (caddy is the easiest to setup) "X-API-Key": "insert_your_api_key_found_in_UPLOAD_SEC" - edit this line with your key set in .env file under UPLOAD_SEC ```