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HP ePrint like service clone (web edition)

This is a HP ePrint clone that has similar functions to normal HP ePrint but it is on the web and it is not specific to a given brand of printers (HP ePrint is only available on printers from 2013 - fall 2020)

To be clear and to not get a C&D from HP, the core isn't similar to HP ePrint (printing over e-mail) just it's functions are similar between them (aka printing files remotely to Your printer)


  • Printing PDF, any image file, text, encoded html render .ini files, MS Office documents (gets converted to a .pdf files first then print out) and HTML files
  • custom print quality and page index options
  • NSFW scanning (requires DeepAI PRO account and API key)


  • Go (1.23.1 or later, older will work with go.mod changes to the version)
  • Node.js (20 LTS or later, needed for HTML rendering and for .ini html render files to convert to a .png file)
  • LibreOffice (for converting Microsoft Office documents to .pdf)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://git.fluffy.pw/matu6968/web-hp-eprint-clone
  2. Go to the project directory:

    cd web-hp-eprint-clone
  3. Build the binary and install web renderer dependencies:

    go build -o eprintclone
    yarn install
  4. Execture the binary:



In the .env file this is the only thing you can set

LOG=log # enables file logging (aka copies file to user home directory under the folder imagelog so make a folder first in the home root if you wish to enable it), to disable it replace it with nolog
NSFWSCAN=true # Requires DeepAI API key and DeepAI PRO subscription

Autostart with systemd or OpenRC

You can autostart the web server using systemd or OpenRC (init scripts are in the init-scripts folder) To use it, edit the script accordingly (edit username on what user it is going to run and the path to the binary on where it will run from)

for systemd edit the following lines:

; Don't forget to change the value here!
; There is no reason to run this program as root, just use your username
User=examplename # change this to your username

WorkingDirectory=/path/to/binary # change this to the path where the binary resides

and to add it as a service:

sudo cp /path/to/cloned/repo/init-scripts/eprint-clone-web.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable eprint-clone-web.service
sudo systemctl start eprint-clone-web.service

for OpenRC edit the following lines:

command="bash -c cd ~/web-hp-eprint-clone && ./eprintclone" # if you have put the eprintclone binary somewhere else change this line
# Don't forget to change the value here!
# There is no reason to run this program as root, just use your username
command_user="userexample" # change this to your usernames

and to add it as a service:

sudo cp /path/to/cloned/repo/init-scripts/eprint-clone-web /etc/init.d/eprint-clone-web
sudo rc-update add eprint-clone-web
sudo rc-service eprint-clone-web start

DeepAI NSFW scanning

If you would like to open the service up to public, consider enabling NSFW scanning to prevent naughty content from entering your printer. To enable it, first make a account on DeepAI, then sign up for a DeepAI PRO subscription to use the API (5$ per month), lastly grab the API from your user dashboard User icon in the top right corner --> View Profile --> API Keys and put it in your eprintcloned file

deepaiapikey=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # replace zeros with your actual API key

For this to even work

You need a linux distro which has the modern equifelent of the lpr program. To check if you have the newer version, type man lpr and look at the program description, if it says lpr - print files (present on recent Ubuntu versions and rolling release distros like Arch Linux) then you are good to go otherwaise if it says lpr - off line print (present on Debian and older Ubuntu versions) then this won't work as the commands for the older version are different and this targets the newer version of the program.

Then setup a printer on your host by connecting it over USB or WiFi and then adding the printer in your distro and put the eprintcloned script (ePrint clone daemon aka it handles the printing commands) in the "/usr/bin" folder


You need to modify the script to include your printer name (it is at the top and is called printer and not the one used in the included configuration in the repository) and to include your DeepAI API key in the eprintcloned script.

for example change it from


printer=examplename # replace this with your actual printer name before putting it into /usr/bin



printer=Deskjet-2600 # replace this with your actual printer name before putting it into /usr/bin